Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Enable access to domain SMB shares from Nautilus (gvfd) in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

While running Ubuntu 10.10 on my main desktop I was able to access SMB shares within our Windows domain easily with no setup tweaks.

Recently I tried just released Ubuntu 11.10 and got stuck in situation when Nautilus asked me for credentials upon attempt to open "smb://share/folder", I entered my user name, domain name and password, but immediately on pressing "OK" button I got right the same window to enter password.

Next step I tried was "smbclient" run in terminal.

 $ smbclient -k //sp-filer/public  
 kerberos_get_default_realm_from_ccache: failed to get default principal  
 did you forget to run kinit?  

 $ smbclient //sp-filer/public  
 Enter abrodkin's password:  
 did you forget to run kinit?  

 $ kinit  
 The program 'kinit' can be found in the following packages:  
  * krb5-user  
  * heimdal-clients  
 Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>  

So I installed "krb5-user" package which in turn has "krb5-config" as a dependency.
During "krb5-config" setup I entered our domain server address into prompt.

 $ kinit  
 Password for user@DOMAIN.SERVER.COM:  

And right after this I got both smbclient and Nautilus working like a charm.

Note: It's important to use ALL CAPITALS in domain realm name!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Download entire albums from Picasa with GoogleCL

With GoogleCL it's simple as 1-2-3:
$ google picasa get "Album name" local_path

But with my album naming scheme this didn't work at first.
I name my albums like this: "2011.10.10 (Short description)"

And while GoogleCL relies on regular expressions parenthesis within an album name caused problems (album wasn't retrieved from Picasa).

But then I discovered that it's possible to disable regexp usage in GoogleCL configuration.

In "~/.config/googlecl/config" set "regexp=False" in "[General]" section.